Monday, November 25, 2013

Cuba Contributes to Success of Youth and Students Festival

By María Elena Álvarez Ponce

Yuniasky Crespo, first Secretary of the Young Communist League of Cuba (UJC),
confirmed Cuba´s commitment and, in particular, of its young generation, of contributing to
the success of the 18th Worldwide Festival of Youth and Students

Crespo said: “Our first and greatest contribution will be to become the event in a real success that leave a deep mark in every young Cuban, multiply initiatives and opportunities for participation, and helps to its preparation and the fulfillment of their duties and missions.”
The head of UJC added that ideas and efforts to generate among Cuban young people an intense political movement and the wider discussion of the issues on the agenda for Ecuador 2013 found echo and support at the preparatory meeting held in India two months ago.
Two hundred young people will represent Cuba in the event, The progress of the preparations on the island, which will lead a delegation of 200 young people, Among them, Crespo pointed out, is a young self-employed from the province of Cienfuegos.His election reaffirms the will of reaching the whole youth, of adding, getting together, and guaranteeing the real participation and the growing contribution of all young people.
Yuniaisky Crespo also explained the delegations from Angola, South Africa, Viet Nam and the Democratic Popular Republic of Korea will be the largest ones.
The day dedicated to Latin America will be on December 12, and Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Nicaragua, and, of course, Cuba will have a significant presence.

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