Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Center to Love Your Homeland’s History

By Mercedes Rodriguez Garcia
Photos: Manuel Feria

Young students in Che Square.
"You can not love what you do not know," Aristides Rondon Velazquez assures rightly and moved. He has 45 years of experience as a pedagogue and is a senior specialist in the Center for the Development of Youth (CDJ) Francisco Gómez Toro, affiliated to the Young Communist League in the province of Villa Clara.

"You can not love what you do not know," Aristides Rondon Velazquez assures rightly and moved. He has 45 years of experience as a pedagogue and is a senior specialist in the Center for the Development of Youth (CDJ) Francisco Gómez Toro, affiliated to the Young Communist League in the province of Villa Clara.
Rondon Velazquez knows well that young people begin to like history when "you narrate and describes it to them first, and, then, you explain".

Study, knowledge and preparation

The only one of its kind in Cuba, the CDJ's basic objectives are to promote actions encouraging the study of the Cuban history, the thought of significant personalities in the process of formation of the nationality and the foundations of the Cuban social project.
Its lines of action include, moreover, to participate actively in the political and ideological training of the young people, as well as carrying out cultural and research that help to broaden knowledge on the work of José Martí, Fidel Castro and Ernesto Guevara in that population segment.
"Young people need to expand their culture to understand any political or ideological.event. If you know how to educate and instruct properly, with examples, they will be good men and women in the future,’ Rondon Velázquez says.
-Who supports you?
"We count on the collaboration of all the centers of higher education, mainly the University of Pedagogical Sciences and of the Central University (UCLV). We also have an Advisory Council composed of valuable professionals specialized in different areas. "Thanks to them we can provide courses, lectures, workshops, graduate programs, in accordance with the interests and needs of the universe we serve."
-Can you mention some of these actions?
"The center was founded more than a year ago, and in that time they are worthy of mention a graduate program in accounting and finance, a course of writing and spelling, and other one to prepare students for the entrance examinations.”
-Do you have any course on Jose Marti?
"We finished one and now it is open the call for another titled ' José Martí, American and universal', by Professor Clara Niebla, from the UCLV.

Memory and example

Guerrilla Detachment with
a member of the Granma expedition

-Meetings to remember?
"One of the most exciting ones was held by students of 11th grade with Rev. Lucius Walker’s daughter. They belong to Osvaldo Herrera High School in Santa Clara, and they have created a Guerrilla Detachment. So, each one adopts the name and personality of a member of Che’s guerrillas in Bolivia, no matter the sex or the physical resemblance. The group was founded on June 14, 2011, when they were in 10th grade.
-Are you satisfied?
"Never, and less at present when the nation has put its hopes in the youth relay, which we must prepare responsibly.”

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