Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Don’t Be the “Airhead” of the Group

We feel sorry for those people who cannot appreciate a good conversation, a book, a movie, a Yanni’s concert, a documentary, a play or a painting. To  achieve that  you must feel the pleasure of feeding the soul. This is the opinion of a young sociologist.


By Nancy Pérez Medina

It is understood that one can never know too much, because knowledge allow us to take advantage of what we have learned, to discuss certain topics and not be the fool of the group, who can only speak the neighborhood gossip, the latest fashion, or what he/she ate.
Somos Jóvenes magazine interviewed Arianna Pérez Álvarez, a 25-year-old sociologist who works at the Provincial Government in Santiago de Cuba, In this regard, she commented:
 “I like to be surrounded by smart people, who are not superficial, that’s why I don’t want to be the “airhead””of the group. I hate to create an image of being only a good body, or a smile.”
SJ: What do you think about those who talk only about fashion or banal thing?
“If you have to talk about clothes, fashion and make up, well, I can be the first one, but not to make this a routine or an only subject, This is the case of some women I know who can only talk about the last model of shoe in the market, the last dye. They have nothing in their heads.”
SJ: What do you feel for those people?
“I feel pity for those who cannot appreciate a good talk, a book, a movie, a Yanni’s concert , a play or a painting, because they waste their time with things that give them no benefit at all.”
SJ: How do you think an airhead is born?
“Well, I really believe nobody intends to be an airhead. Reaching that condition has to do with your way of thinking and living. To understand it you have to feel the pleasure of feeding the soul, to feel you fall in love with a book, that good music moves you. I feel sorry and cannot understand people only considering less important things in life: money, clothes, trash’
SJ: How will you describe those people?
“They generally have false friends, based on material things. The value of friendship, to know you can count on someone fully, to talk with some who understands you, all this is incomparable. I can't imagine sharing my problems with a person that has no values, who do not know the quality of what is human, who cannot give me evenr a wise advice because their culture is quite poor. It is what I think, I repeat: there are no guidelines to not be an airhead.
SJ: Do you think you've lost your time to feed your soul?
"Not a all! On the contrary, I think what you enjoy better is doing things that really please you, and you are the most benefited from it".
Dedicate some time to cultivate herself to better appreciate life, talk about different topics and benefit from the food of knowledge; has not prevented Arianna of studying, marrying, having a daughter, going to camping, the beach or a swimming pool or sharing a few beers at a party.
She dances, laughs and amuses like everybody else. Because as she thinks, it depends on each person to decide what you want and how you want to be, but never an airhead.

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